The Lady Chapter, Inc. appreciates your support. Please donate to continue advancing our mission and transforming next-generation female leaders' lives.


Thank you for partnering with The Lady Chapter™️ (TLC) and being an integral part of changing the lives of our young adult female leaders. Your time, talents, and efforts are truly appreciated.

Your support will help us to expand, raise awareness, and achieve our goal of educating and preparing global female leaders.

Please consider becoming a monthly partner. Your monthly contribution will assist TLC in providing consistent and reliable support while improving and enriching the lives of our young adult leaders throughout the year.

For just $25/month, you will add value to the life of a young adult female and offer her an opportunity to make a significant impact in the local and global community.

Can we count on you to become a monthly supporter? Say “YES!” by completing the form to the right to set up your monthly online donation and select "monthly" on the form. #BelieveInUs

Other ways to give…



To make a donation via Check or Money Order, make payable to The Lady Chapter, Inc. and mail to:
PO Box 3139, Crofton, MD 21114


Step 1: Click the ‘Give Now with Givelify’ button to the left.
Step 2: Choose your donation amount.
Step 3: On the “This Donation is for” page, click “Where needed most”
Step 4: Click the “Set recurring” button.
Step 5: Click “Give Now”.
